Faculty of Humanities
Faculty of Humanities is a structural division of the National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine, which trains military psychologists (at the first (Bachelor's) level of higher education at the expense of the state budget, at the second (Master's) and third (Educational and Scientific) levels of higher education at the expense of legal entities and individuals) and tactical-level military specialists in working with personnel at the first (Bachelor's) level of higher education at the expense of the state budget, as well as tactical-level military specialists in linguistic support (at the first (bachelor's) level of higher education at the expense of the state budget).
053 Psychology
035 Philology
251 State Security
the first bachelor's level of education
the second master's level of education
1. Historical reference.
The history of the Faculty of Humanities begins on July 1, 2006. Faculty № 4 (Humanities) was headed by Colonel Kostiantyn Gunbin. Since 2011, the faculty has been headed by Colonel Serhii Ishchenko. The faculty is actively developing and growing. In 2017, during the reorganization of the faculty, the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines and the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy were created.
In 2018, Faculty №4 (Humanities) was named the Faculty of Humanities, which included the Department of Philology, Translation and Language Communication, the Department of Phonetics and Grammar, the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines and the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy. On September 1, 2019, the Department of Philology, Translation and Strategic Communications was created at the faculty as a result of the merger of the Department of philology, Translation and Language Communication and the Department of Phonetics and Grammar. In 2021, the Department of Law Support was created, reorganized into the Department of Law Disciplines in 2023.
Currently, the head of the Department of Philology, Translation and Strategic Communications is Iryna Lysychkina, the Head of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy is Colonel Stanislav Larionov, the Head of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines is Colonel Maksym Chepel, the Head of the Department of Law Disciplines is Colonel Oksana Orel. Lieutenant Colonel Andrii Dorofieiev is the Deputy Head of the Faculty of Humanities for Educational Work - Head of the Educational Department. Colonel Oleksii Mirshuk is the Deputy Head of the Faculty of Humanities for Work with Personnel.
2. Who is trained by the faculty.
The faculty trains military specialists at the expense of the state budget and students of higher education recepients who study at the expense of legal entities and individuals.
The training of higher education recepients with the funds of the state budget is carried out at the first (Bachelor`s) level of higher education of the tactical level of military education according to educational and professional programs:
- in the field of knowledge 25 Military Sciences, state security, security of the state border, in the specialty 254 Support of troops (forces) at the first (Bachelor's) and second (Master's) levels of higher education and the tactical level of military education. After graduation, graduates receive state diplomas and the qualification of a tactical officer;
- "Psychological Support of Service-Combat Activity of units of the NGU" in specialty 053 Psychology;
- "Work with Personnel in Units of the National Guard of Ukraine" in specialty 251 State Security;
- "Linguistic Support and Communication" in specialty 254 Support of troops (forces).
After graduation, graduates receive state diplomas and the qualification of a tactical level officer.
The training of higher education recepients who study at the expense of individuals and legal entities is carried out at the first (Bachelor`s) level of higher education according to educational programs:
- "Translation from two languages (English and German/French)" in specialty 035 "Philology" (educational qualification in the "Bachelor of Philology" diploma);
At the second (Master's) level of higher education:
- "General translation" in specialty 035 "Philology" (educational qualification in the diploma "Master of Philology");
- "Organization of psychological support in units of the NGU" in specialty 053 Psychology (educational qualification in the "Master of Psychology" diploma).
At the third (educational and scientific) level of higher education, Doctors of Philosophy are trained under the educational and scientific program "Psychology" in the specialty 053 Psychology.
2.1 Training of higher education recepients (cadets) - OPEN
2.2 Training of higher education recepients (students) - OPEN
3. Scientific and pedagogical staff.
The Faculty of Humanities includes 4 Departments:
- Department of Philology, Translation and Strategic Communications
- Department of Psychology and Pedagogy
- Department of Social and Humanitarian disciplines
- Department of Law Disciplines.
There are 46 scientific and pedagogical workers on the faculty: 3 Doctors of Science, 27 Candidates of Science; 3 Зrofessors, 23 Associate Professors. Among scientific and pedagogical staff of the faculty there is an honored worker of education of Ukraine, awarded with the Cross of Honor; has the honorary title of "Scientst of the Center named after J. Marshall"; awarded with state awards: Order of "Kniahynia Olga III degree", Order "For Courage III degree", awards of the President of Ukraine "For participation in anti-terrorist operation", departmental encouraging awards - badges "War veteran", "For valiant service" , "For bravery in the service", "Badge of honor", medals "For the defense of the hero city Kharkiv", international honors and awards: UN medals "For participation in international operations to maintain peace and security".
14 officers, 78% of which is the total number of military scientific and pedagogical staff, are participants in hostilities.
4. Achievements of recepients of higher education.
A component of the educational process at the Faculty of Humanities is the active involvement of cadets and students of the faculty in scientific research, creative search, social activities and sports. Cadets and students of the faculty are holders of the named scholarship of awards of the President of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, winners of International and All-Ukrainian competitions, competitions and sports championships, awarded with state and departmental awards:
Volodymyr Mahda - the combatant, has a medal "For military service to Ukraine";
Andrii Goshenko - the combatant, has the Order "For Courage III Degree";
Myroslav Honchar - master of sports of Ukraine in kickboxing, two-time World champion, champion of the All-Ukrainian boxing tournament;
Artem Tabachuk - World champion in sports universal combat;
Vladyslav Denysenko - has the Order "For Courage" III degree;
Maria Putria - the champion of Ukraine in karate.
5. The most famous graduates.
Vadim Manko - has the title of Hero of Ukraine with the award of the "Golden Star" order (posthumously);
Valentyn Sirak - has the order "For Courage" III degree;
Oleh Myronenko - has the order "For Courage" III degree, the medal "For Military Service to Ukraine";
Ivan Babich - has the order of "Danylo Halytskyi";
Ihor Shafihulin - has a medal "For military service to Ukraine";
Anastasiia Vashchenko – the 1st place at the Taras Shevchenko International Language and Literary Competition for Pupils and Student Youth;
Maryna Riabchuk - the 1st prize winner of the All-Ukrainian stage of the International Language and Literary Competition for Pupils and Students named after Taras Shevchenko;
Vita Malysh - the 2nd place of the All-Ukrainian Competition of the Ukrainian language and the International Competition of the Ukrainian language named after Petro Yatsyk;
Vasyl Fedorinenko - the 2nd place at the All-Ukrainian competition of scientific works of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the nomination "Psychological support";
Anastasiia Andrushchenko - the 3rd place at the All-Ukrainian competition of scientific works of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the category "Psychological support".
Victoriia Piskunova - two-time World champion in kickboxing, World champion in military sports all-around;
Bohdan Shkilniuk - 6-time champion of Ukraine in the 2000 m steeplechase, member of the national athletics team of Ukraine in 2013-2016, 1st place in athletics (cross country) according to the program of complex competitions "Dynamiada-2020" among institutions of higher education of Ministry of Internal Affairs at 3000 m distance ;
Andriy Shuliak – winner of the championship of Ukraine among institutions of higher education in kettlebell sports;
In 2019, Khrystyna Boichuk was elected as an ambassador of "Sustainable Development Goals No. 5 - Gender Equality" within the framework of the "Sustainable Development Goals Ambassadors" leadership program for young people.
Ruslan Muzychuk - the press secretary of the NGU Сommander.
6. Additional information.
An important area of work of the Faculty of Humanities is close cooperation with domestic and foreign universities, international organizations and linguistic departments of embassies of foreign countries, participation of faculty representatives in welcoming foreign delegations from the USA, France, Canada, Sweden, Romania, Italy, Turkey, Moldova, and Latvia; participation of teachers in international educational and scientific projects and programs, in particular the NATO program for the improvement of education in the Defense Sector (DEEP), projects on gender equality, strategic communications and military education under the Partnership for Peace Consortium, participation of awardees in seminars of the NATO Professional Development Program (PDP), in international training both in Ukraine and abroad, training of officers, teachers and cadets in France, Italy, the USA, Canada, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, the Netherlands.
The representatives of the faculty gain experience in linguistic support during international exercises, such as the American-Ukrainian training "Fearless Guardian" and "Rapid trident" at the training ground in Yavorov, the international training of the police force "Lowland grenade - 2018", which took place on the basis of the training center of the National Gendarmerie of the Netherlands, Marnevard, as well as during visits to partner educational institutions, such as the Officer Training School of the National Gendarmerie of France.
Since 2022, recipients and lecturers are actively involved in the linguistic support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine units abroad, in particular in Germany, France, Great Britain, Finland, Slovakia, Denmark, the Netherlands, etc.
The faculty conducts practical classes and workshops by lecturers from France, the USA, and Germany.
Graduates pass STANAG exams in English and French, receive certificates from representatives of the French Embassy in Ukraine.
At the faculty, the Department of Socio-Humanitarian disciplines annually holds an international scientific and practical conference "SOCIAL ASPECTS OF MILITARY AND PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES OF THE SECTOR OF SECURITY AND DEFENSE: CHALLENGES TODAY" in which participate: the National Defense Academy of Latvia, the European Institute of Further Education (Slovakia),
Pomorska Academy in Slupsk (Poland), Public Organization "ASTERIX" (Lithuania), Public Organization "Wives of Veterans" Kharkiv, as well as institutions of higher education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. At the conference, there is a discussion of social problems, the state and prospects of the social development of the security and defense sector of Ukraine as a result of changes in society, the search for ways to solve them, the implementation of the best international and domestic experience, the improvement of social management and military-social work, the improvement of the quality of social and humanitarian training of future servicemen, improvement of state social standards and social guarantees to servicemen and their family members.
English, French, and German language clubs work at the faculty, a club of the scientific society of recipients, cadets and students "Strategic communications and international cooperation of the National Guard of Ukraine", a scientific club of the Department of Social and Humanitarian disciplines and the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy, where young people consolidate theoretical knowledge in practice, receives additional information and develops practical skills.
The faculty trains recipients of higher education in the specialty 053 "Psychology", who after graduation are appointed to the positions of officers- psychologist of departments and services of units. Training is carried out by qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel with many years of practical experience, achievements in domestic and international scientific activity. The classes are conducted at a high methodological level using modern methods and practices with the aim of forming the relevant skills and abilities of the students, which are effectively used in further professional activities.
Educational programs for recipients of higher education also iclude the completion of a course on "Tactical Medicine", which is implemented by the scientific and pedagogical staff of the Department. During the course, the recipients gain relevant knowledge and develop practical skills in providing first aid in combat and everyday activities according to international standards using modern equipment.
The club of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy works as a discussion platform, it is visited by the best psychologists of higher education institutions of Ukraine, in particular, professors of KhNMU, KhNUIA, KhSAC, NTU "KhPI", etc., who share their experience of scientific work and psychological practice. Within the scope of the work of the scientific club, discussions are held with the cadets on the topics of non-instrumental detection of insincerity, the work of polygraph examiners, psychological counseling, cognitive-behavioral therapy, trauma therapy, positive and critical thinking.
In addition, education recipients are constantly involved in non-formal education activities in order to improve their professional qualifications.
Scientific and pedagogical staff of the faculty actively develop educational and methodological literature and electronic textbooks to ensure the educational process, taking into account the latest achievements in the relevant fields.
The classrooms of the faculty are equipped with modern technological equipment and computer equipment with access to the Internet.
Student self-government was created on the basis of the Faculty of Humanities, whose representatives take an active part in the youth life of higher education institutions in Kharkiv.
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