Command and Staff Faculty
The Command and Staff Faculty carries out targeted training of cadets for the positions of commanders of combat units, commanders of intelligence and special forces units, as well as training of commanders of communications units of the National Guard of Ukraine.
- according to the educational program "Service and combat use of special forces units of the NGU";
- according to the educational program "Service and combat use of the NGU units";
- according to the educational program "Service and combat use of communication units of the NGU".
The term of study at the faculty is:
the first bachelor's level of education
1. Historical reference.
The Command and Staff faculty was created as a command faculty in June 1993 by the order of the Commander of the National Guard of Ukraine on the basis of cadet battalions. In 1997, the first graduation of young officers into the NGU troops of was carried out. In 2003, the Command faculty was reorganized into the faculty of training military specialists of the tactical level, which united cadets of the command and logictics faculty. In 2006, in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine dated May 12, 2006 № 475, the faculty was transformed into a "Сommand and Staff" faculty. Until 2002, the faculty was headed by Colonel I.V. Karpenko. From 2002 to 2008, the faculty was headed by Colonel Yu.V. Allerov, from 2008 to 2014, the faculty was headed by Colonel A.O. Pozhidayev. From 2014 to 2021, the faculty was headed by Colonel V.V. Ovcharenko. Since 2021, the unit has been headed by Colonel V.V. Antonets.
2. Today, the faculty is one of the main structural divisions of the National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine. The Command and Staff Faculty prepares first (bachelor's) level higher education graduates for further service as officers of the National Guard of Ukraine under the state order in the field of knowledge 25 "Military sciences, state security, state border security" in the following specialties:
251 "State Security" under the educational program "Service and combat applying of special forces units of the NGU";
253 "Military administration (by types of Armed Forces)":
- according to the educational program "Service and combat use of the NGU units";
- according to the educational program "Service and combat use of communication units of the NGU".
After mastering educational programs, students of higher education receive state diplomas and acquire qualifications:
- Bachelor of state security, service and combat use of special forces units of the NGU, tactical level officer;
- Bachelor of military management, service and combat use of the NGU units, tactical level officer;
- Bachelor of military management, service and combat applying of communication units of the NGU, officer of tactical level.
Training of applicants for higher education (Bachelor's) level of higher education, tactical level of military education - OPEN
3. Scientific and pedagogical staff.
The Command and Staff faculty includes three scientific and pedagogical teams:
- Department of tactics;
- Department of State Security;
- Department of military communication and informatization.
Today, 1 Doctors of Science, 28 Doctors of Philosophy and 21 Associate Professors teach at the departments of the faculty. More than 90% of scientific and pedagogical workers and 70% of cadets of the faculty took an active part in the performance of official and combat tasks in repelling the armed aggression of the russian federation against Ukraine - they are participants of hostilities.
4. Achievements of higher education recipients.
Among our cadets there are scholarship recipients of the awards of the President of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, winners of international and all-Ukrainian scientific competitions, winners of the championships of Ukraine among the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations in military multi-sports, champions of Ukraine and the world in hand-to-hand combat, multiple champions of Ukraine and the world in Cossack fight, kickboxing, Thai boxing.
5. The most famous graduates.
Senior Lieutenant Kinal Ihor Bohdanovych, graduate of the Command and Staff faculty in 2004, deputy commander of the operational platoon. He died heroically during an armed confrontation being on duty as part of a special peacekeeping unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the UN international operation to support peace and security in Kosovo. For courage and devoted actions shown during the performance of a special task in an international peacekeeping operation awarded with the order "For Courage" the III degree. (posthumously).
Lieutenant Kravchuk Volodymyr Serhiiovych, graduate of the Command and Staff Faculty in 2013, commander of a special purpose platoon. On June 19, 2014 near the village Yampil Donetsk region received fatal gunshot wounds during a fight with terrorists. For personal courage and heroism, shown in the defense of state sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, he was awarded with the order "For Courage" III degree (posthumously).
Lieutenant (posthumously) Solomka Yevhen Serhiiovych, on February 26, 2022, he was performing a service-combat task at a checkpoint in the area of the district road in the direction of Pisochyn - Kharkiv. He was the first to notice the approach of the convoy of lightly armored and motor vehicles of the enemy. He opened fire on the damage and delayed the advance of the enemy's military equipment, which was trying to pass unimpeded into the territory of Kharkiv. In the course of a combat encounter, he received injuries that led to his death on February 27, 2022. For his personal courage and devoted actions in the defense of the state sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, loyalty to the military oath, he was awarded with the Order "For Courage" the III degree (posthumously) and was awarded with the military rank "lieutenant". Forever included in the lists of evening verification of course № 1 of the Command and Staff Faculty.
6. Additional information.
During studies, cadets study about forty academic disciplines, the majority of which are applied military subjects.
At the end of the second and third academic years, cadets undergo military practice in the positions of unit commander and platoon chief sergeant, respectively. In the fourth year of study they have a military internship as a platoon commander in the military units of the National Guard of Ukraine.
In the course of training, recipients of higher education acquire the necessary competencies to perform assigned tasks, and are able to organize combat service and manage the actions of tactical units during the performance of service-combat and combat tasks regarding:
- protection of the constitutional order of Ukraine, the integrity of its territory from attempts to change them by force;
- protection of public order, provision of protection and protection of life, health, rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens;
- participation in ensuring public safety and maintaining public order during meetings, rallies, marches, demonstrations and other mass events that pose a danger to the lives and health of citizens;
- ensuring the protection of state authorities, the list of which is determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, participation in the implementation of state protection measures for state authorities and officials;
- protection of nuclear facilities, nuclear materials, radioactive waste, other sources of state-owned ionizing radiation, important state objects, the list of which is determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine;
- protection of special cargoes, the list of which is determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine;
- protection of diplomatic missions, consular institutions of foreign countries, representative offices of international organizations in Ukraine;
- protection of the central logistics bases of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine;
- participation in the implementation of measures related to the cessation of armed conflicts and other provocations on the state border, as well as measures to prevent mass crossing of the state border from the territory of neighboring states;
- participation in special operations to neutralize armed criminals, stop the activities of paramilitary or armed formations (groups) not provided for by law, organized groups and criminal organizations on the territory of Ukraine, as well as in measures related to the cessation of terrorist activities;
- participation in stopping mass riots accompanied by violence against citizens;
- participation in restoring law and order in the event of inter-ethnic and inter-confessional conflicts, unblocking or stopping illegal actions in the event of seizure of important state objects or localities, which threatens the safety of citizens and violates the normal activities of state authorities and local self-government bodies;
- participation in the maintenance or restoration of law and order in areas of particularly severe emergency situations of man-made or natural nature (natural disasters, catastrophes, especially large fires, use of destructive agents, pandemics, panzootics, etc.), which pose a threat to the life and health of the population;
- participation in the restoration of the constitutional law and order in case of attempts to seize state power or change the constitutional order through violence, in the restoration of the activities of state authorities, local self-government bodies;
- participation in the liquidation of the consequences of emergency or crisis situations at the objects protected by it;
- participation in the implementation of measures of the legal regime of martial law;
performance of territorial defense tasks;
- defense of important state facilities, special cargo, the list of which is determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, bases of military and logistical support of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine;
- participation in the termination of group illegal actions of persons taken into custody, convicted, as well as liquidation of the consequences of such actions in institutions of pre-trial detention, execution of punishments.
- ensuring the entry of information into the Unified Register of Persons Disappeared Under Special Circumstances, and maintaining such information in an up-to-date state within the limits defined by legislation.
The faculty constantly and systematically integrates the combat experience of the NGU and the Armed Forces, the best experience of the NATO countries and the countries of the international association FIEP into the teaching process.
The organization of training is based on many years of experience of lecturers and is based on both classical training methods and modern training methods using the latest training and information-computing equipment.
The staff of the faculty invites everyone to join our fighting brotherhood, together we will win.
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