Representatives of the Canadian Armed Forces and the Academy exchanged experience in training future officers

A meeting of the Euro-Atlantic Integration Department and the foreign delegation of the Canadian Joint Task Force in Ukraine (Operation UNIFIER) took place at the National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine.
During the meeting, the Head of the Department, Lieutenant Colonel Vasyl Omelchenko, presented the staff of the Department and acquainted foreign representatives with activities of the Department and the main functions: "Every year we hold short-term courses with the support of the NATO-Ukraine Professional Development Programme to which we invite foreign speakers. Your colleagues, representatives of Operation UNIFIER, have repeatedly participated in such courses and we are grateful to them for this experience. This gives us the opportunity both to improve communication skills and learn about new methods and approaches of teaching the material, – told Lieutenant Colonel Vasyl Omelchenko. – Apart from organizing and conducting, our strategic task is to implement such courses in the educational programs of cadets."
Lieutenant Colonel Vasyl Omelchenko noted that representatives of the Department are constantly involved in conducting joint classes with cadets.
In addition, the participants discussed the prospect of involving representatives of Operation UNIFIER as speakers at courses scheduled for the end of March and April of this year.
"We are ready to cooperate and assist you in training NGU future officers. We will analyze and select speakers, who can help effectively, for possible involving for the courses", said Commander of the Educational Program Development Group of the Operation UNIFIER , Captain Trevor Smith.
As a result of the meeting, both sides agreed to involve the representatives of the Canadian Armed Forces this week into training with cadets on public speaking, leadership club and strategic communications.
Also, there was a briefing of foreign representatives with lectures of the Department of Tactics of the Command and Staff Faculty of the Academy, where participants exchanged with work experience in their fields.
Representatives of the the Canadian Joint Task Force in Ukraine during the week provide assistance to lecturers of the Department of Tactics of the Academy in improving educational programs.
Foreign partners told about the system of training cadets at a military education institution of Canada, namely: the selection of cadets, the specifics of training, the main advantages of military service in the Armed Forces of Canada.
The participants paid great attention to the practical component of training Canadian cadets. In addition, the lecturers of the Department of Tactics shared their own experience in conducting classes, both at the Academy and at the training center.
Department of International Relations, Information and Communications of the NA NGU